Anxiety Therapy
Do you suffer from anxiety?
Do you long to:
Escape the inner critic?
Find peace of mind?
Enjoy your life more fully?
Allow yourself to come out of hiding?
Sleep well and wake refreshed?
If anxiety is part of your struggle, I can help.
Set up a free phone consultation now to discuss working together.
Common Signs of Anxiety
difficulty sleeping
feeling that something bad is about to happen
panicky feelings
anxiety attacks
avoiding situations where you might feel anxious
irritable or angry with others in your life
Stop the Anxious Cycle
Stress is a normal part of life, and everyone feels anxious sometimes. But living with anxiety— either constant, low-level anxiety or sudden spikes of anxiety (panic attacks) —that keeps you from living the life you want to live is not.
Build your ability to truly relax, and go beyond self care and positive thinking to develop new ways of taking care of yourself now and in the future.
Anxiety Treatment That Can Move The Needle
I’m trained to help you break down your anxiety—to understand when and how you get anxious, look into the immediate and underlying causes, and start to make the changes that you need to make, inside and out, to feel better.
I’ve been helping New Yorkers experience a life with less anxiety for years, and I would like to help you.
I can help you:
Get clearer about your triggers and how you respond.
Notice your personal coping patterns that you rely on in stressful situations.
Experiment with changes that open the possibility of new experiences.
Integrate your growth so that you are able to sustain and make further positive change on your own.
I’ve been writing a series about anxiety–theory, treatment and results, on my blog which you can access here.
Stress is a part of life, but you don’t have be stuck with anxiety.
Get started now. Book a free phone consultation today, or contact me using the contact form and information here. You can also find out more about my practice here.
How I Work With Anxiety
I am a gestalt therapist, which means I work with you from a holistic standpoint, exploring together to help you find greater awareness and solutions that work for you.
Find out more about me and about individual therapy, or read articles on my blog about some of the special topics I treat.