Adoptee Group
Is Adoptee Group Work Right For Me?
You might be looking for an adoptee group if you feel:
alone in your struggles
rejected in relationships
scared of being abandoned even when the relationship is going well
confused about who you are
the stress and complication of being an adopted person in the world,
And if you resonate with any of these issues, adoptee group might be for you
If you have tried online or in person adoptee support groups and want an environment that is safer, with a professional facilitator and where you can share freely, receive feedback and work on your issues in the group, then one of my adoptee groups might be for you.
It can be scary to consider being in a group, but if you feel that adoption related issues are emerging in your own therapy and you want more focused work around these topics, or if you are not in therapy and want to try a modality that gets you closer to your own experience and promotes healing in relationship in an exciting and vibrant way, group work might be for you.
I have a new group starting January 27, 2025 and running through June for adopted adults and you can set up a free 30-minute phone consultation for the group now, or contact me for more details. The group will be held online on zoom and will be limited to a maximum of 8 people.
If you are interested in future openings join my email list to keep in touch.
Adopted Adult or Adopted Young Adult
For adults older than college age, my Monday night group combines elements of a regular, facilitated support group with group therapy. Some people use group to supplement their individual therapy, when they want to work more on adoption related issues; other use it instead of therapy.
I also run Young Adult Adoptee Therapy Groups, but am not offering one at present. Here is a bit more information if this interests you for a future group.
The young adult group deals with all the same issues as the adult group, but with a focus on the special concerns of people 19-24.
We will work on achieving healthy independence, reducing stress, starting, deepening and ending relationships, relationships with adoptive family, birth family, desires to search, DNA, and managing any symptoms of depression or anxiety.
We also delve deeply into identity.
Who am I?
How do I know?
How do I feel my connection with others?
Depending on what is going on in members lives, we may deal with issues of open adoption, search and reunion, handling family relationships, and working through difficulty histories.
In the adoption world we have a long and vital history of support groups, where adoptees or triad members get together, share their stories, and receive support and comfort from each other.
My groups combine both supportive elements, individual coaching and group work.
everyone in the room is an adoptee,
people do share their stories and find out what they have in common
in sharing, people find healing and helpful
I am there bringing an adoption competent therapist and coach’s focus and sensitivity to both your individual concerns and the ongoing group process.
Attending to your own process. During group you are encouraged to pay attention to and bring forward your feelings and thoughts and you may do as much work responding to someone else’s content as bringing forth your own concerns.
Focus on experience. Because I am a gestalt therapist, which is an experiential therapy, we will notice together how you feel when you share or respond and maybe even try an exercise together to bring your experience more clearly into awareness or explore what might be a next step for you.
Staying with difficulty. In group we focus on topics that might be challenging, always with the intention to move into greater self awareness. We move towards what is difficult together in the service of your growth. In the difficulty are the gifts for you, and with someone trained to guide the process we can go farther together.
Commitment. When things get difficult some adoptees know how to leave before they are left. In this group, members who decide to join the group are encouraged to stay with the group long enough to reap the benefits of building relationships and getting honest feedback and agree to take at least 2 sessions to leave the group if they decide it is not for them, in order to experience a different kind of leaving.
The Nitty Gritty Details: Adoptee Group with Jennifer
Format: I began running groups in person but since the pandemic I have been offering groups online. The upcoming group beginning January 27, 2025 will be online.
Size: groups are kept small, between 4-8 members, so everyone has the opportunity to do some of their own work each session. Sessions are 1 hour for 4 person groups, 1.5 hours for groups of 5-8.
Fees: group fees are $80 per session and 3 individual sessions ($125) are also required for participation and help to support your process in group.
Commitment: weekly attendance and individual sessions every 1-2 months to help clarify your goals in group, further your process, and receive support and feedback privately.
NEW GROUP FORMING NOW! This group will run from Monday January 27 to Monday July 23, 2025. If you want to join, hop over to my calendar and schedule an initial consultation (30 minutes, free) now. If you are curious, contact me for more details.
Interested but not ready to start right away? Join my email list and I will keep you informed of what’s going on.