Adult Adoptees
Are you struggling with issues that might relate to being an adoptee?
Should I contact my birth parents or other family members?
I’ve met some of my birth family and it has been an emotional roller coaster.
I feel fuzzy, numb or dulled out. I don’t quite know what I’m feeling most of the time.
I know what I’m feeling and it is uncomfortable: depressed, angry, anxious, sad.
Something is missing and I don’t know what it is.
Sometimes I know who I am and sometimes I really don’t.
I am trying to figure out if I want children, or experiencing struggles with fertility, and I feel very confused.
I feel hesitant about getting into relationships.
I just lost a significant relationship and fell apart completely.
Sometimes when my significant other leaves the house I get afraid they will never come back.
I wonder if my relationship issues have something to do with adoption. Do I have adoption issues?
Every adult adoptee is different. But I have found over the years that many of us have certain questions that come up at one point or another. And sometimes adopted adults find therapy can help.
If you feel like you have been going in circles around issues that might be related to you having joined your family through adoption, or you are not functioning as well as you actually could if you could sort through it all, lets talk.
As a specialist in this area I have found that my adopted adult clients have been able to sort through these questions and many others in the supportive environment of therapy and have been able to move forward with their lives.
If you are an adult adoptee looking for therapy in NYC or if someone you love might benefit from working with me around adoption issues please be in touch. You can email me, or call 347-620-2181.
Not located in New York City? I provide consultation and psychotherapy for adopted people by secure videoconference to clients in New York state and in other parts of the US and beyond when it is clinically appropriate, subject to state licensure requirements. If you are interested in working with me and you are not able to come to my office, get in touch and we can discuss what is possible in your individual situation.
Check out my blog post on why adopted adults should consider a therapist with special knowledge in this area, and my series of four blog posts on adoption and issues of loss (link takes you to the first article).