Couples Therapy & Relationships
Do you find yourself thinking any of these things when you lie awake at night next to your partner?
We used to talk and have fun together, but we don’t anymore.
We were doing fine, then we had to deal with something stressful (move, job loss, death, illness, infidelity, having teenagers, becoming parents, empty nest, etc.) and we’re still stuck in it, things have not gotten back to normal.
I want to make this relationship work, but we keep fighting about the same things.
We need to learn to communicate better.
I’m not happy with our sex life.
I feel lonely in our relationship.
This isn’t what I signed up for.
If both of you are willing to work on the relationship, couples therapy can help you figure out what is next for you as a couple. Doing the work with a supportive and neutral third party to guide you and offer feedback if often the piece that allows you to get unstuck, heal and begin to build again.
We will pay attention to what you are both bringing to the relationship that is helpful and creative and what may be old habits from earlier relationships or from your own families.
I use exercises and homework as well as in-session attention to your experience of self and other to move the work forward and help you get where you want to be as a couple.
If your partner doesn’t want to come to therapy, know that you can begin the relationship work on your own.
Many people begin individual therapy due to concerns about their relationship when their partner does not want to go to therapy. One person wanting change and doing their work can impact the whole system. If both parties will not come to couples therapy, then I encourage you to consider beginning your own individual work.
If you want to explore how working with me could help you navigate your relationship better, call 347-620-2181 or use my contact form, or you can email me.