Treating Anxiety with Mindfulness

Today I answered a call from another professional about use of mindful breathing with anxiety. I was inspired to search around the internet and found this wonderful graphic of three directed mindfulness practices for three situations in which someone might struggle with anxiety. Yes, take 5 deep breaths is one of them. This is worth taking a look at often if anxiety is an issue for you.
What makes you anxious? You could even try one of these today and get curious about how your anxiety responds to mindfulness of breathing, mindfulness of thoughts, and mindfulness practiced with other beings.

If you are struggling with anxiety, therapy can help you add mindfulness skills to your repertory and tailor them to your particular situation. Any good practice is a start and then in therapy you can mine the practice, your situation and response for your own vein of gold to develop your repertory.

Read the start of the full article here, explore other great resources from Mindful Magazine here.  Consider bringing your interest in, and experience of, mindfulness into therapy, where one way of looking at what is going on is that you are developing mindfulness skills of yourself and in relationship.

How does mindfulness help your anxiety? What are you mindful of when you practice mindfulness?  Leave a comment below if you have a practice or a question.


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